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About PDAMéxico/PoderPDA


Who we are? ———-

PdaMéxico/PoderPDA is the most visited  PDA and mobile technology related website. At the moment, PoderPDA/PdaMéxico has approximately a million of monthly unique visitors. We are visited from practically the entire world including non Hispanic countries. With more than two thousand articles that includes analysis, tutorials, editorials, podcasts and video-casts on the small universe of the mobile devices.

Mainly, our contents are about PDAs and smartphones from Palm, the PalmOS, as well the different accessories, software and applications in general of these devices. The staff of PdaMéxico/PoderPDA is formed by people who work at different areas from IT, Graphic design, Press publication among other professions and it is as an extralabor activity, that we have created this project and taken it to the international stake.

We also have been pioneers in the creation of small communities focused to the wireless publication of Blogs using mobile devices, so is the case of HispaPUG, that this year we celebrate our Third International Meeting. You can also visit the page of the national group (Is being redesigned right now) in:

What are we looking for? ————–

What we look for, is to spread and to scatter the idea between the million users of mobile devices in the world of all the marvelous things that can be achieved by a mobile device. Lots of them don’t know at all the tremendous capacities of their devices, and they do not make anything more than voice calls and personal information management. Thay also do not know the great level of customization of the devices to the specific necessities of every one and that their devices are extremely configurable as far as the task they are carrying out.

Right now, a great percentage of users with mobile devices do not know these capabilities and it is our intention to make the users obtain the most from their devices. 

Corporative and multimedia users, form an important niche of market that is growing to exaggerated steps. In Latin America a great percentaje of users needs consultant information and directions to learn use their device. In PdaMéxico/PoderPDA we have offered this help for free to the users from the beginning of the project.

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